This week I am hosting the Carnival of Compassion. This is a celebration of life, death, healing and disease.
Why celebrate death and disease?
Because it is through suffering that one learns the about healing and life.
This week I want to take a look at a mental health disease known as Bipolar Disorder or Manic/Depression. This is characterized by alternating moods of euphoria and depression. With treatment, such as medication and psychotherapy, a normal life may be achieved. Many people are only aware of the untreated cases that make it onto the news but these are not the norm. There are many individuals with this disorder that are coping with life ( a family, a job etc) while they learn and achieve a balance in their moods and cognition. They are often gifted in some manner.
Meet three bloggers that have this disorder.
Bipolar Guy struggles with his illness but exhibits high creative skills and is a member of Menza.
Jane is active in the blogging community. Talking about compassionate, she definitely is. She's also a creative, popular and responsible individual.
Sabrina struggles with her illness, sometimes going off her medication but while pregnant she went back to school and made the honor roll and deans list.
An amazing web page that supports people with bipolar illness is the Icarus Project. It has several forums and media displays. Individuals have an opportunity to share what works for them.
John McManamy , a former journalist, has an informative web page and blog about his Bipolar Disorder.
Before you leave the carnival grounds, there is one more blogger with the disorder that I want you to visit.
Remember, everyone has something to bear. Learning and understanding about other people's burdens brings us closer to where a real carnival of compassion counts, in the heart.
To submit to host your own Carnival of Compassion, visit the web page for information.

woah cool Carnival
it is pretty cool that you did a Carnival on Bipolar Illnesses. It's nice to have a theme like this.
And it is a great introduction to their blogs.
Really great Carnival CS.
Thanks for hosting it this week!
It's true when you say:
"...it is through suffering that one learns the about healing and life."
Well said.
Congratulations Carol, on talking about bipolar disorder in your own loving and down-to-earth way. I have a handful of close friends living with bipolar disorder. They say the same things that you do - that it can be awful and struggle, but life goes on, and it can be as normal/abnormal real/surreal weird/typical as anyone else's most of the time. Talking about it must require faith, courage and trust. Thank you!
A great idea! Bi-polar touches most everyone's life in some way. Is the Carnival of Compassion a regular thing?
Carol, I'm quickly falling in love with your blog. The thing you do on Fridays, with blogs that have no visitors, well I think I just may join this marching band.
I had no idea you are bipolar & now that I know you are, I'd like to invite you to join our bipolar webring. If you'd like more info it' at: http://bipolarplanet.blogspot.com
I hope you'll consider joining us. We've got a very friendly & supportive group.
Thank you so much for linking my blog. You're truly a gem!
I agree!
Thanks Dr. Del,
It is a great idea!
Are your bp friends poets too?
Jane, It looks good and I'm looking into it.
Excellent idea, Carol. I'll visit their sites.
Yes, anyone can sign up to host it. Go to the Carnival of Compassion link.
Not my idea, see Dr. Del at the CoC link. It was a good experience.
Thank you for sharing and your courage to also Carol. Bi-polar affects more people than maybe any of us realize. I read recently about how a part of the brain "Pt"(hormone)or something, can be easily triggered and stimulated from great stress and trauma and things that happen in our life, and actually contribute to "activiate and stimulate" this disorder into being or getting worse..of course there are many other reasons but science is learning a lot more these days. If you look at the world we live in now, it would seem to make sense and more understandable why bi-polar and many other similiar mental disorders have increased with a vengeance! Of course genetics and many other medical issues play into many of these disorders, but this is just something to think about.
"As we see new technology constantly changing we think it's making our lives easier, not realizing that maybe its actually creating a mass of confusion and tremendous kinds of overwhelming stress and choices we have never had to deal with before. We have too many choices, are too competitive, too many "gadgets" or button's or keys to type that we find ourselves slowly pressured to learning to have to adapt to making 10 decisions at once, having to think in way to many different directions at once and hence we are and become a magnet for "stress". Stress can affect us in so many ways, mentally and physically it can stimulate hormones in the brain to activate depression, anxiety and many other medical problems. Stress can become addictive. But a "choice" can be made also whether to let all of the new technology of "life choices" control us(and our children)or to not let it control us. There's still a real world of nature out there filled with "simplistic" wonderful beautiful things that can calm and heal the mind, spirit and body in many ways. Our children learn from "we" the adults what is considered "normal" these days".
Thats just a quote I recently found somewhere someone wrote in a book and I had it written down.
Thanks for visiting, Shelli.
The Carnival of Compassion is for any disease.
Thanks Rhiannon for your comment,
I have thought a lot about the effect of the environment on triggering the disorder.
carol you are so great.
at my blog its me me me! and rightly so since i am wondeful and fascinating. here it is about others and I applaud that. I do I really do. Me
Carol, I had no idea. My aunt has it as well. She is not a blood relative so it is not in my bloodline. The women in my family only deal with clinical depression, which is painful, but not nearly as high-maintenance. You are so brave to face it head on like you do! :)
Hi Carol,
Some of my bipolar friends are poets, some are not. As far as I know, none have blogs right now.
I would like to write a poem for friendly Friday, but I would need some help from the band. Could I send you "step one" on Thursday for posting Friday? It will be a request for input from all of the band members. Then, during the week I will work on the poem and have it ready for Friday Feb 3.
I hope that will be okay. It will be more fun and participatory, and will give me time during this wacky week when I am not making much creative output - at least of the poetic kind.
Carol - I'm gladdened by the support your blog friends show, count me in their number.
Great carnival!
Sounds like a good idea!
Thanks David,
but its about me too.
Most people wouldn't guess. It is not obvious, only that I am shy and lack confidence. Otherwise, I look and sound normal. Lithium has been a miracle drug for me.
Thanks Barbara,
I thought as much.
Yeay! Okay Carol, Thursday evening I will put up a post on my blog about what I need from anyone who wants to contribute to my "potluck poem." I'll collect contributions through the weekend and write the poem in time for your FFMB post on Friday, Feb 3. Once you see the post up, if you'll put up a link as part of this Friday's post, I'd be much obliged.
Looking forward to it! Thank you so much for your invitation.
That's a go, Mompoet.
So I'm way late to the party, even for me. Interesting blogs and resources you pointed to here. Thanks for that.
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