Today, as conductor of the new Friends of the Friendless Marching Band and an Olympian as well, I am pleased to see so many of the Olympians and FFMB at this celebration for the Bronze Medalists.
Let us give a big hand to Barbara, who hosted the Blog Olympics...(thunderous applause lasting a few minutes..............and a standing ovation..........). Barbara is a member of the FFMB too as are many of the Olympic competitors and the cheering section. Meet other band members after the ceremony. They are goofing around at the back of the hall!
Before you take your coats and boots off, we will be going on a march around the Olympic Gardens in celebration of the bronze winners of the comment event. Stop at each of these winners' blogs and say hi then make your way back to the blogatorium.

Bronze Medalists:
Wendy of On the Go.
Gnome of A Random Gnome's Random Lair.
Jake Silver of The Jake Silver Show.
Isabella of Zeno's Bar & Grill.
Su of Susanna's Bilinghay Blog.
Wendy of On the Go.
Gnome of A Random Gnome's Random Lair.
Jake Silver of The Jake Silver Show.
Isabella of Zeno's Bar & Grill.
Su of Susanna's Bilinghay Blog.
Now we will ask the Bronze Medalists onto the platform. Don't they look fabulous with their medals hanging proudly around their neck...(more applause and stomping of feet)...I have some questions for these Olympians...(applause continues, the conductor continues to speak as well), please answer one at a time...(puzzled looks...more applause...but no answers...)
Oh, (light goes on so conductor holds up the questions from the cue cards as the applause continues...)
- What was on your mind when you were on the podium receiving your medal?
- Do you plan to change anything for the next competition?
- Have you met new friends at the event?
I hope the caterers show up quick. Please sign the guestbook as we wait for the food to arrive.
Back of the hall:
Mar is the newest band member. She is a drummer.
Sister Celtic is the cymbalist.
Erin is a drummer.
Lazy Daisy, Network executive and cub reporter, is the tenor saxophonist.
Infamous David is the bassoonist. Good to see you, David.
Stephen is the baritonist.
T. Stormcrowe is the truant Olympian and bagpiper in the band.
Mar is the newest band member. She is a drummer.
Sister Celtic is the cymbalist.
Erin is a drummer.
Lazy Daisy, Network executive and cub reporter, is the tenor saxophonist.
Infamous David is the bassoonist. Good to see you, David.
Stephen is the baritonist.
T. Stormcrowe is the truant Olympian and bagpiper in the band.
Other members that were unable to participate or attend the events, are pleased to be a part of this Bronze Celebration in a true friendly manner. Sabrina on the left, you can't see Bad Alice and myself for we were changing the rear left tire, Ardist left rear, Azure bent over to tie her shoe,Texasgal at the rear waving, Pearl rear right, Brother Terry, at the front right, Dave missed the last shuttle so will be a little late, Emily in passenger seat, Andrew at the wheel, Raehan was still looking for a babysitter so missed the shoot, Ry was overcome with emotion (giggling too much) and stepped out of the frame to compose herself, Zeb refused to get his picture taken and Mango took the photo.

Have fun!
Carol - Such a lavish feast! Pizza my favorite! I can't wait to leave comments on the bronze medalists blogs!
pizza... where? when? what kind? let me at it... I'm starving!!!!! who else is here?
Wow, I'm impressed Carol...quite a spread too! Hmmm....I love the lay out. What a great idea! Does the march begin any time now?
Thanks for the pizza! As for what we plan to change for next year...that would be this teeny tiny bikini and the book we're holding. It made the swimming really difficult.
--Melanie & Kelly
Thanks for inviting me over to the party! Those pizzas look GOOOOOOOOD!!! i wonder where the party for the silver medalists might be at? (I need to go there quickly -- i have a curfew!) teehee.
sinister CELTIC has posted the funniest thing I have ever seen !!
she has a gift!
Carol I love partying with you and the band!
Mmmmmm....pass the pizza, please!
I'd be glad to play in the band...but I play the cello--it's a little hard to march....
Whoa! What a blast! I want to congratulate both Wendy and Isabella on their medal placing efforts in these Olympics. I wasn`t able to leave comments on their blogs.
Wow! What a celebration! Congrats to all the medalists!
D-d-did (panting) Did I miss the party? I missed the shuttle bus and had to walk ALL THE WAY HERE! Is there any pizza left?
Now that the drug testing is over, where's the beer?
Hey, I am just getting back from the march around the garden. I sure am impressed with these bronze medalists.
It looks like we will have to order more pizza.
If you find out where the Silver Reception is, let me know.
I have been looking for a cellist...
Thanks for coming everybody!
Hey Nancy,
You didn't read the invitation closely enough. You know the part about this being a non-alcoholic event... but there is root-beer and 7-up!!
Oh good, more pizza, my favorite.
It's getting warm in here with our dress uniforms on. I think the bronze medalists enjoyed the music!
Take off your bearskin cap. That should help.
Hey Zeb, How about we play "Mama, We're All Crazy Now"
I don't do the key of A or whiskey. (Nothing against the gold medalist)
Oh,whiskey eh? This is going to be a long night...
Zeb, How about Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday,Saturday, Saturday, Saturday,Saturday...
B flat, Bay City Rollers,
Bagpiper, you start...
Swell party Carol and great music. I finally got the pumpkin caper resolved and am callling it a night. It was alot of fun but I'm heading back to the daisy field.
Thank you so much for the party invitation. The pizza is delish!!!
Hi Wendy,
There is a lot left so eat, eat!
Guys, let's play " YMCA".That is always a crowd pleaser. Do you remember the actions?
Wendy, do you want to start this one?
Hey you all keep playing "Saergent Pepper's LHCB". I'm just going to rest my head on these bagpipes for a minute.
What, you don't need bagpipes for this number.
Yeah,yeah, I'll just be a minute.
Don't leave Sister Celtic. We need the cymbals for this number.
My heart went Bang Shang Alang, Bang Shang Alang, Bang Shang Alang, Bang Bang
Archies '60's
Well, I'm just going to go lie down for a few minutes.
Someone call me if I get any more comments, 'kay?
Thanks a lot Carol... Seemed like a great party...Seems I missed it. you see, we have a huge time difference... Just woke up.....
Huh, did someone say something. Oh its the Cat .
Thanks for waking me up, Pretty Girl, you were right. There are comments. Come and get your Kitty Chow."
Gnome, Sorry, I missed you. I was sleeping under the table here.
Thanks for coming everyone. Yawn. I'm going back to sleep.
Carol - Do you need any help picking up after the big party?
Thanks Barbara,
If you don't mind sweeping while I take these empty pizza boxes to the garbage.
Now that is a good chairperson. One who is willing to clean up afterwards!
what happened? did i pass out? did someone drug me? i don't remember everything and why am i sleeping here?
Wow, sounds like some scandal there...too bad it's all over. Great job hosting Carol. You are a gold medalist in my eyes!
It looks like you stumbled over my tuba, which I left in the middle of the hall, hitting your head which knocked you out for most of the party.
Lazy Daisy,
No drugs, no scandal just lazy me (for a change) not putting my stuff away.
Wow, that was fun. I can't wait until 2007!!
Fun idea. Glad you ran with it. or marched ahead with it, I should say. Any day old cold pizza left?
A matter of fact, I saved a couple of pieces of pepperoni for you.
As you know, it is never too late to be friendly...
OK OK sorry - I am partial to Diet Dr. Pepper on occasion - any left? If not, I am also addicted to Diet Coke.
May be difficult for a marching band, but I loooooove playing the piano - perhaps on the back of a flatbed truck?
Yes, Nancy! Our last piano player had to leave suddenly so you are it!
There are diet Dr. Pepper left. Do you need a glass?
Carol, I'll ride on the back of the truck with Nancy--that will make the whole cello thing much better!!!
Friendly Fridays. I think I can do that. Does that mean y'all will come visit MY blog?
Yeah for Joyce and her cello!
Hope you will get to know the other band members. The band roster is on my sideblog. They are a friendly crew.
You are a sweetheart to mention me, Carol, when I was on the very far back sidelines.
Hi Raehan,
Hey you're still a part of the band, y'know.
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