Title from Oscar Hammerstein's Song, "Getting to Know You"
My Son received a list of questions from school. I immediately saw that this had potential for a blog.
1. If Scotty could beam you out of here for the day, where would you go?
If I could be instantly transported, I would choose the Louvre in Paris. I was in Paris in 1983 on a whirlwind tour but the Louvre was closed during our stay!
2. What is one of your personal passions?
3. If you had $1,000,000 to give to your favourite charity, what charity would it be?
I would give it to the Church.
4. If you had unlimited time/nerve/money, what athletic activity would you like to pursue ?
Cross country skiing. I took a continuing education class on it several years ago but didn't pursue it because
- I had no one to go with
- it was still too steep for me
- no skiis?
5. Decide three features/things that your fantasy vacation would have.
luxury, culture and leisure
6. Decide three things you would like to have with you if you were stranded on a desert island?
food,books and a cell phone
7. If you just won $1,000,000 what would be the first thing you do?
Pay off the mortgage.
8. Who living or dead would you most like to meet?
9. Name a celebrity that you find particularly attractive?
Colin Firth (Pride and Prejudice miniseries)
10. What are your pet peeves?
- Telephone solicitors.
- When vehicles and appliances need expensive repair just when I finally decided to buy a digital camera.
11. Life is full of embarrassing moments. Share an embarrassing incident that happened to you.
Experiencing a mental block!
12 If you were alone and in trouble, and had only one quarter to make a phone call who would you call?
13. List three descriptors that your friend would use to describe you.
Fun, intelligent but neurotic (well, would ya?)
14. Add your own ideas to the following sentence stem: "If I were in charge of the world..."
- I would have tougher punishment for criminals.
- Athletes and actors wouldn't be paid so atrociously much. People would be rewarded fairly for their abilities and contributions
- including mothers who stay at home.