Glad to see that your uniforms pressed and instruments polished.
It sounds as if you have been practising, too.
Keep it up.
The blog world needs people like you to encourage needlessly friendless sites.
As I read these blogs, I am constantly amazed because so many of them are indeed, just undiscovered.
So don't just sit there, go discover...
The featured site of the day is
Writergrll at Come Untogether
I like her blog because:
- of her ingenious fiction (I think it's fiction)
- I couldn't stop reading but still haven't found No 1 (help me out guys)
- frank even startling poetry
Other friendless blogs to visit this week are:
Peter at HoltiesHouse
who is an Australian retired man who writes with character and has lived in many houses.
Stunt Mother at I do all my own stunts
who writes really well about parenting and is a poet too. Check out her "Ode to Our Floor."
Remember to send me the friendless sites you find for next week
if you meet the qualifications, nominate yourself!
Check out the new banner for the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band.
Playing Michele's comment game. Great sight. Have a good weekend. I'm off to another.
You know, having figured out (post morning coffee) that this was an effort to discover worthy, under-visited sites, I felt a bit of a heel for cranking (note to self, no blogging before coffee). And then you left a very gracious comment on my blog for which I thank you.
I suppose what I take issue with is the correlation between popularity and likeability that "friendless" implies. I applaud your project, but think the terminology gets in the way. At least, it did for me.
It is true that blogging is about being read, or we would keep diaries by our beside and be content. It is also about community, and I like that you are trying to build that.
Thank you for visiting me. I will visit your blog again, if I may.
You have made my day, really. I have thought about changing the terminology because I do not want to offend people but I loved that Lucy episode where the...well, hopefully you read about the origins.
One of points is, and I do have some, is exactly what you said: being friendless (commentless?, unpopular?) does not mean unlikeable. Quite the contrary, which I hope the band members are finding out as well. There are so many people that are worth discovering and keeping.
I am so pleased that the coffee helped. I will come see you again as well and we will talk again...
sorry i havent been at band practice lately- i was on probation til igot my grades up. i'm baaaaaack.
Good to see our majorette back. I know you have been busy, congratulations on bringing up your average.
Carol - feel free to use the picture. I like visiting new blogs.
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