There was some concern over the last couple of weeks over whether we should refer to ourselves as Friends of the Friendless Marching Band because of the unpolitically correct term "friendless" but I have decided to continue as is. Remember the spirit of the original founder-the late great Lucy- she would find some way out of every predicament so that is what we aim to do. Right?
Silence, not even the warming up of the accordian or the giggling of the majorette. Where are my band enthusiasts???
(I might have to go in search of these truant band members...hmmm....)
No need to fear, the music will continue... Come, march this way!
This is getting difficult to choose, but this week's friendless site of the week is David Diamond of
DD Sez . I like his blog because:
- of all the categories he made: baseball (Yankees, right?), funny stuff, news & politics, favorite quotes, rants, technology and he still has a need for a miscellaneous section!
- he seems to be kinda...um...silly. You gotta like that.
- he wants to celebrate a Native Oppression Day. Alright, someone finally wants to give us a National holiday!!
- I like his archive set-up.
Other great friendless sites, you just gotta visit too are:
Erin of Madisisms has a blog about the cute things her 3 year old daughter says. I wish I had made one of those.
Champs of A Guy's Life who writes about motorcycles, barbecuing and other typical guy things such as being accused of robbing a bank.
Alex of Moon River is a math student who writes about school, relationships, business and other stuff. I love the 36 methods of mathematical proof he found. Leave comments in the "chatterbox".
Please leave comments for these friendless four.
Hey, I need more friendless sites for next week! And more band members, sign up now...
Thanks for linking my site! I added some of her sayings just for the occasion! (I've been a little lax lately.)
How do I join the band? (I was in band in high school! I'm really good, I promise!)
Tell me what instrument you want to play and write it in the comment section.
Then join me every Friendly Friday when the friendless sites will be listed and visit the sites with me leaving friendly comments!
I was just delighted to learn that I had been selected to receive such an honor as this! And I'm still looking for someone to pinch me. Maybe it will be one of my new friends! :)
I'm a drummer, so lets go with the drumline. Tenors to be precise.
I'll be visting all of today's sites later today!
Hi Carol. No worries about political correctness: I think the whole PC movement is a crock anyway.
I like your thinking. How nice of you to focus on the blogs of others. I look forward to visiting them as well.
Michele sent me tonight. As always, it's been a great read.
I apologize for not playing this week - sorry to say I have been so busy tht I forgot. I nominate this blog for next week:
Michele sent me.
Hi there! Michele sent me. I also like your idea of bringing up other blogs on your site. It's always nice to visit sites recommended by others.
Congratulations Dave.
Alright, Erin!
Thanks Zeb. Feel free to join the band with your guitar, I believe...
Hey Carmi
It can be an even bigger experience if you choose an instrument and keep your Fridays available! Okay,I'll settle for a part of Fridays.
Hi Kenju,
Our pianist makes a late appearance as usual ;) Take that gum out of your mouth and straighten up,young girl and thanks for that precious nomination.
10:11 PM
Political correctness is a sham. Next thing we know is those elitist idiots would want to ban English as the mandated spoken language for all international flights among pilots and control towers across the globe.
I am very pleased of your sticking to your principle, friend.
thank you so much for the new friends! I'll be checking out my co-friendless-ites' sites, too. does it take any special skills to be in the marching band? do you have to be able to march in a straight line? cause I can't. do you have to be able to play the same note as the guy next to you? cause I won't. and if somebody's drumming, even a different drummer, I'll just stop and wait until the rhythm of the silence returns.
The only requirement is to be friendly and hold an instrument in front of you for the group photo.
Other necessities are: show up for band on Friendly Friday and leave friendly comments for the friendless sites.
Choose your instrument sir...
Hi Princssi,
It doesn't have to be Friday to visit. The friendless will thank you.
Hey Champs...oh, he got away before I could ask if he would like to join the band...
Great sites. All right. Since I'm doing them weekly anyway, may as well sign me up to play formally. My site has a pic of me with my Korean drum.
(Sounds like you've made a decision. Friendly Friday Band's out then? Friendless sounds so pitying. :-S)
I am so pleased to have you officially a member. I know you have been doing alot of the footwork already!
Yes, the name remains the same-Friends of the Friendless Marching Band. Friendless is only a state of being which can always be altered by being responsive to the band's call.
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