Dear Friends of the Friendless,
I am so proud of you band members that show up each Friday, rain or shine. You are the bloggers with a heart. You make the band! Sigh.
Now, are you ready...hup two three...oh just a minute. I want us to stop at Barbara's blog first. When I first met Barbara, she did not have the huge following she has today. See her post from October 2005,
"I'm a Miserable Blogging Failure, Are You?" Well, she really never was a blogging failure, but today her blog "
Catch Me If You Can" is a popular spot to visit. She also, is a friendly and helpful blogger which explains why she is in the FFMB.

The featured site this week is Lil Curlz of
Curlz Speaks. I like her blog because:
- her list of rules
- she has been blogging for over a year, February 2005
- of the variety in her blog
- she knows to enjoy silence
I also enjoyed Paige's blog,
Cracked Nuts. She is a new blogger and I especially liked her fair story.
Visit Sarah's blog
My Confessions; it helps her cope with the loss of her first love.

First, I want to thank
TNChick for designing the official FFMB Thank You card. You did a fantastic job! (TNChick has a collection of
glitter tags.)
Thank you for always making the march.
Thank you,
Barbara, for letting me use your post in today's Friendly Friday's march. Thank you, also, for being an active band member.
For those wondering how the band works:
To join the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band, leave a comment stating that you wish to join then choose any instrument you like. (ability isn't an issue for this cyber band) We have three piano players, a harpist, a theramin and french horn player plus a variety of more so you get the idea that any instrument is possible.
On Fridays, the band meets to visit the chosen friendless sites which I list. Then the band leaves friendly comments for our honored recipients. Let them know that you are from the FFMB.
Get to know other band members. There is sure to be someone you can connect with.
Nominate friendless sites. They can be bloggers you know or ones that you come across in your blog surfs. Think unique. These sites have less than 5 comments/post and be posting currently. Leave me a comment with their address or email me at Carol_ffmb at yahoo.ca. I will let you know whether they have met the friendless criteria.
Band banners are available