Recently, because of various infirmities, I stopped for 5 months. My body thought it was longer. It is difficult to bring it back into my life, too. Other priorities have taken its' place but I am not one to give up for long. The accomplishment of working out and the resultant feeling of being fit are not easily forgotten.
I work out at home. I figure I could my complete my whole workout in the time it takes to drive somewhere else. I would probably be pushed to work harder if I went to a gym but I enjoy exercising alone. I like trying to figure out what the perfect workout is, use a new video or an old favorite and be able to fit a routine into my day.
Today, I rode my exercise bike, not for long but enough for this out of practised body. Then I did weights with Jane (Fonda), my favorite instructor. I only did one set of 12, compared to her three, but I'm back on track and it feels great!

Good for you, I hope you start reaping the benefits soon.
Keep up the great work. If we excersise - we do it at home, too. I see no need for a gym membership.
My husband does it on a regular basis... me, not so much. I do other things (like yard work, etc) and skip the "real" exercise. He does all his weights, cardio, etc at home. We seem to have enough equipment but he, of course, wants more LOL
Good job! I'm proud of you!
I'm starting to exercise again after having to lay off for several months as we got my fibro under control. Yikes you go backwards quickly! I'm now counting a trip to the mall as exercise...
Keep it up! :-D
Thanks for the encouragement, all.
Barbara, I wonder how your exercise program is going. I remember that you were in some kind of internet group and were keeping track via the internet of your exercise and diet. Are you still doing that? What was that web site again?
Art Puppy94,
Aren't you a bit too young to know Jane? (You know I like to bug my 14 year old blog friend)
Yes, that sounds like me and my exercise videos.
Life style exercise is supposed to be beneficial too.
Thanks. Let me know how you are doing. We might be able to encourage one another. Last time, I was at work, a co-worker was complaining about not having enough time for exercise. While I was busy motivating her, I did the same for me!
I think I need to involve exercise in my daily routine now. My joints and back are starting to ache. Being pregnant and sedentary in my work is not a good combination. I just need to check with my doctor what would be a good program for me in my 2nd trimester...
God bless you on your journey to fitness and health :-)
May your days be zesty and your nights deliciously resty with your new exercise routine Carol!
This reminds me that I need to go work out! I'm glad you are able to start up again.
Good for you. Very surprising you didn't find it difficult after not doing excersises for a long time.
Hi Chrixean,
That is an excellent idea. There are lots of pregnancy videos out there if you interested in that form.
Zesty and resty sounds great to me.
Go for it. (What do you do?)
Friday's Child,
How you feel on the second day after is the real proof if you overdid it or not.
Good going to get on track. I'll do that too. Ummm, maybe next month.
Been there...
I neeeeeeed to exercise....but don't wanna.....
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