Dear Friends of the Friendless,
I am so proud of you band members that show up each Friday, rain or shine. You are the bloggers with a heart. You make the band! Sigh.
Now, are you ready...hup two three...oh just a minute. I want us to stop at Barbara's blog first. When I first met Barbara, she did not have the huge following she has today. See her post from October 2005, "I'm a Miserable Blogging Failure, Are You?" Well, she really never was a blogging failure, but today her blog "Catch Me If You Can" is a popular spot to visit. She also, is a friendly and helpful blogger which explains why she is in the FFMB.

- her list of rules
- she has been blogging for over a year, February 2005
- of the variety in her blog
- she knows to enjoy silence
Visit Sarah's blog My Confessions; it helps her cope with the loss of her first love.

Thank you for always making the march.
Thank you, Barbara, for letting me use your post in today's Friendly Friday's march. Thank you, also, for being an active band member.
For those wondering how the band works:
To join the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band, leave a comment stating that you wish to join then choose any instrument you like. (ability isn't an issue for this cyber band) We have three piano players, a harpist, a theramin and french horn player plus a variety of more so you get the idea that any instrument is possible.
On Fridays, the band meets to visit the chosen friendless sites which I list. Then the band leaves friendly comments for our honored recipients. Let them know that you are from the FFMB.
Get to know other band members. There is sure to be someone you can connect with.
Nominate friendless sites. They can be bloggers you know or ones that you come across in your blog surfs. Think unique. These sites have less than 5 comments/post and be posting currently. Leave me a comment with their address or email me at Carol_ffmb at yahoo.ca. I will let you know whether they have met the friendless criteria.
Band banners are available here.
Fearless Leader - Thanks so much for your kind words about my blog. I'm proud to be an FFMB member.
I'm early today (early for me). I just completed my march! :)
P.S. Your welcome.
Good to see you, all!
Sister Celtic,
Yes, I might be turning into a Fearless and Friendless conductor. (More about that later.)
Keep marching, Troops! Remember to let them know we are there.
Hello. This is for "Cracked Nuts" and the most recent post: Amen, amen.
This blog really is an enjoyable read.
Hello Carol and all the band members.
I'm here to let you know I'm almost ready to do my march, although some of it might have to wait until tomorrow. I will though catch up - *cross my heart and hope to die.
*it just dawned on me after typing, that this saying might not be known everywhere. When I grew up, it meant: "I promise I will."
Hey Mango,
Glad that you enjoyed Paige's blog.
Good to see ya! No problem with making it a Friendly Saturday.
I have heard of that saying up here in Canada even.
Carol - I finished the march, nice parade route today, I may do it again tomorrow!
A little late but I made it by! I'm having problems seeing tonight so I may have to see most of the people tomorrow ---
have a good week-end :)
Yes, Barbara, great idea to do.
It never fails that when I'm full of good intentions and the time to visit all the band members, my computer goes haywire; for instance, I kept getting knocked off Barbara's site when I tried to leave a comment (cute entry Barbara), which was what always happened to me at Andrew's too. And as usual, some of the sites require that to comment you have to have a blogger account, as was the case with Lil Curlz's blog site.
Oh dear.
At any rate, again I want to exptend a thank you to Carol for her efforts in keeping the band marching.
Hi Andrew,
You are having problems seeing. Oh, Andrew, please take care.
Thank you Kathy for your encouraging words and for visiting even though it is frustrating with your different account.
So sorry i didnt make it to friday! ive been so sick lately! but thats not an excuse! . How do you march?
Hey Carol, I did visit Lilcurlz and barbara on Friday, then I forgot to check in. Oy. Thanks for the leading us this week. I realised I had never posted a comment to barbara. I have her bookmarked now.
Finally on time but still not good with follow-thru
Glad to hear from you Some Person,
To march, just visit the friendless sites listed and leave comments for them!
Hi Art Puppy94,
Victoria Day is on May 22nd this year.
It is named after Queen Victoria whose birthday was on May 24th. (Holiday is on the Monday closest to this date)
You are doing fine, Mompoet. Keep it up.
Thanks Dwayne,
So you have Blogger Burn-out. Best to take it easy for awhile.
hi thanks for visiting my site.
Hi Lil Curlz,
We are pleased to have you drop by.
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