"Hey Buzz," I said to the ringing in Carol's ears, "meet Mr. Tiger, the ringing in my ears."
After I made the introduction and both Tiger and Buzz said their proper hellos I listened in on their conversation.
Mr. Tiger was first to speak. He whispered while looking nervously from right to left, 'Do you think they're catching on? Is there any chance that those two bloggers are getting too close to the truth?'
"Heck no," buzzed Buzz much too loudly.
'Keep it down!' interrupted Tiger with a soft growl.
Buzz finished his sentence without the least bit of uneasiness. "...there's no way that either one has a clue that the constant noise in their heads is what feeds us."
'That's what concerns me,' responded Tiger, trying unsuccessfully to sound tough. 'I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if they discover our schtick - well, well,' he stuttered, 'we won't remain in control.'
"It's not going to happen," Buzz promised. "All we have to do is cause them to assume that they are not immune to the opinion of others. It's that simple. Let them imagine they're not as good as
they are, and then BINGO - we have them as victims."
'But Buzz,' said Tiger still not convinced, 'we can't let them know that it's you and me and every other befuddled ego common to man, that keeps them from living in the ever present NOW. If they knew,' Mr. Tiger repeated, 'I'm afraid that would be the end of us. How would we survive if they shut us up?'
"Not to worry," said Buzz confidently. "I assure you - there's enough pain in this world to go around. If they catch on to our game we can always get someone else to unconsciously identify with our kind of energy. Just think, " he added, "anger, destructiveness, misunderstandings, hatred,
grief, emotional drama, violence, and even illness gives us what we need."
'But it's getting harder and harder for me to feel triumph over at A Particularly Persistent Point of View. I'm trying my darnest to communicate disappear, but, but, but, I'm not always listened to. I think the other side is beginning to shine through.'
"Then try another approach," Buzz suggested. "You can always work on the emotions and make them go haywire. Or you could bring doubt or shame into the picture. Or perhaps a pity party would do the trick."
Tiger perked up. 'A pitty party? Hmmm. Yeah, that might do it. I will insist that the blog stinks. I'll mention how there's hardly any comments, which proves that no one is really reading it. It'll cause puzzlement and that will certainly upset the apple cart. And yes, I'll be fed. Thanks Buzz. Good idea.'
"No problem," Buzz hummed happily.
Moments later Buzz's buzzing grew to a high pitch. Something was bothering him too. His pitch grew higher when he said, "Whatever you do Mr. Tiger, DO NOT bring attention to Carol's Friendly Fridays."
'Oh,' said Mr. Tiger, his chest ready to burst as he boasted, 'I have a good way to handle that problem. I use the too busy routine. Works every time. If you're too busy, you can't march, right?'
"Right. But that's not the case here at A Revison," Buzz admitted. "Carol's always thinking up ways to get others involved, and to be honest, ' he chocked, "this is a tough one for me to crack. How do I get around it?"
'Just keep buzzing,' said Mr. Tiger as he buzzed off to A Particularly Persistent Point of View.
Wow, Kathy. Thanks for letting us know the talk going on from the balcony seats.

And...the featured friendless site is Bemmie at Who Knows, Who Cares. I like her blog because:
- she is studying English literature
- of her library section
- she has a humbleness about herself despite her achievements
- she has been blogging since Oct 2003
Make sure to visit Gidget Graham at Our Journey to Becoming a Family. She is a believer that is looking to overcome.
Then check out Ohok's blog,which offers her unique Step-Mom's Point of View. She is a good friend of Killired, FFMB flutist, who is also contributing to her blog.

Thanks to Kathy for writing about Buzz and Tiger. Beware fellow bloggers!
For those wondering how the band works:
To join the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band, leave a comment stating that you wish to join then choose any instrument you like. (ability isn't an issue for this cyber band) We have three piano players, a harpist, a theramin and french horn player plus a variety of more so you get the idea that any instrument is possible.
On Fridays, the band meets to visit the chosen friendless sites which I list. Then the band leaves friendly comments for our honored recipients. Let them know that you are from the FFMB.
Get to know other band members. There is sure to be someone you can connect with.
Nominate friendless sites. They can be bloggers you know or ones that you come across in your blog surfs. Think unique. These sites have less than 5 comments/post and be posting currently. Leave me a comment with their address or email me at Carol_ffmb at yahoo.ca. I will let you know whether they have met the friendless criteria.
*I am in urgent need of more friendless sites.*
FFMB banners here!
GREAT JOB CAROL! This is absolutely wonderful. I love the story and will be on my way momentarily.
btw...I finally got the answers to the kindness challenge a couple of weeks ago. Thanks so much for your help.
Have a blessed weekend!!!
I'm happy to join the FFMB. . . My instrument shall be the bassoon (I just can't imagine running around with one in a real band).
Thanks again for the nomination!
This comment is for "Our Journey...". It is nice to read about a wife and mother who truly strives to be the Proverbs 31 lady (as I call her). Best wishes to you.
I almost forgot! Kudos to Kathy for the introduction to this post. It`s amazing what (or who) goes on in people`s heads.
Yeah, It`s me again. Here`s a blog for your consideration:
Psychotic philosophy
Have done my rounds. Here are some friendless sites:
The Odyssey
I am busy again this friday *sigh* but with friends coming over :) I will visit the sites you mentioned. happy friday, Carol and FFMB!
I was able to stop by them today, neat blogs! I'll keep an eye out for future blogs...
I am going to visit them now as I'm takign a break from my assignment.
Hello Carol and band members - old and new,
I was able to visit all the blogs tonight (raise the flag!).
First I stopped at Who knows Who Cares. I left a comment but I forgot to say that they'll always be someone who knows and who cares.
I was unable to leave a comment at Our Journey to Becoming a Family, but I do send her my best wishes for reaching her goal. Shoot for the stars!
Next I marched over to A Step-Mom's Point of View. I do so enjoy "points of view" so I was excited to visit and I wasn't disappointed.
Being a step-mom myself, I can say that there is so much that goes into that job; on so many levels. Keep up the good work.
Here are a couple I found while surfing around.
Pregnant mom of soon to be 3
This one just seems sad
I am not familiar with these other than a quick check of the front page, but they seem to fit your criteria. :-)
What? I can't hear you. I've got Neil Young blasting in my ears. I think I heard something about Tiger and Buzz meeting. They were made for each other.
happy friday!!! I did my route so I'll rest!
Hello Everyone,
You have marched well!
Hi Beckie,
It was Kathy
who wrote about the FFMB lurkers.
I'll be by to see the results for the challenge. Great idea, btw.
Hi Bemmie,
I am so pleased to have you join us!
Thanks for the nominations and for visiting.
Friday's Child,
Thanks for all those nominations too.
Thanks so much for visiting despite your busyness. Kathy
mentioned being busy in her story.
Thanks Jen for joining and for quickly getting into the FFMB spirit.
Yay, TNChick, for making the march your break.
Hey Kathy,
Great job! Great comments.
That's for sure, Colleen.
You deserve it.
Thanks everyone!
Hey Carol! Great job too.
Yes Tiger and Buzz were made for each other, as Andrew commented. And yes Mango, "It`s amazing what goes on in people`s heads."
What a wild conversation it would be if everyone got in touch with the less acceptable side of themselves; which leads me to explain further.
In each of us a Buzz/Tiger lives inside (call them by any name). They're not always easy to spot, because they hide behind the necessary masks we wear to be accepted and loved. Recognizing them though stops the negative feeding. A contradiction? I don't think so. Ironically, I've discovered that observation of our unpleasant and disagreeable emotions is like shining the light on them. The light diminishes the dark, until there is no place for our ugliness to hide - which then allows our *true* angelic selves to shine.
I wanted to mention this because I think it's a hard concept to grasp.
I try to turn these kinds of observations into "fun" at my blog via the conversations.
Thank you for the opportunity to get this across.
Thanks Kathy for esplainin'.
Check again, little AP friend.
Art Puppy 94,
That is a strange contradiction in blogger statistics!
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