Hello FFMB. Now that I have your attention, well, I really just wanted to say hi and thank you for your dedication to making these marches a success. Keep up with all those friendly comments.

Before you head out, I want to share this poem with you that Friday's Child was inspired to write about the band.
FFMB is the group to be,
Because you will always see,
Friends and lots of them you'll know,
As they greet you a Hi or Hello.
Time is gold, don't waste it,
Come now and join it,
You'll surely love and enjoy it,
And you'll never regret it.
So come now and roll over,
to CAROL'S site and holler,
Your name, I'm here to make things better,
To sites who needs friends altogether.
FFMB is the group to be,
Because you will always see,
Friends and lots of them you'll know,
As they greet you a Hi or Hello.
Time is gold, don't waste it,
Come now and join it,
You'll surely love and enjoy it,
And you'll never regret it.
So come now and roll over,
to CAROL'S site and holler,
Your name, I'm here to make things better,
To sites who needs friends altogether.

So, drummers please...the featured friendless site is Kathryn at Midnight to 4 am. I like her blog because:
- of her interesting life.
- She has lived in California, Dublin and currently resides in London.
- she plays guitar in a band.
- of her reason to start blogging, "I have started writing because of the clutter."
Visit Annette from Show Them Through Me . She is a blogger whose corner banner proudly states, "as for me and my blog, we will serve the Lord.
Check Kai out at Kai's Poetry as well. She gives herself this excellent introduction:
"new lady on the blog
she's a poet
dark brown eyes
light brown skin
disability a motorize wheelchair
big flirt
hopeless romantic
heart & soul
extention braids
also write poems
this is a new lady on the blog
my name is kai "
she's a poet
dark brown eyes
light brown skin
disability a motorize wheelchair
big flirt
hopeless romantic
heart & soul
extention braids
also write poems
this is a new lady on the blog
my name is kai "

Thanks to Chrixean for sharing her talents as a graphic designer with the band. The banner adds a warm visual touch to the Friendly Friday post.
For those wondering how the band works:
To join the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band, leave a comment stating that you wish to join then choose any instrument you like. (ability isn't an issue for this cyber band) We have three piano players, a harpist, a theramin and french horn player plus a variety of more so you get the idea that any instrument is possible.
On Fridays, the band meets to visit the chosen friendless sites which I list. Then the band leaves friendly comments for our honored recipients. Let them know that you are from the FFMB.
Get to know other band members. There is sure to be someone you can connect with.
Nominate friendless sites. They can be bloggers you know or ones that you come across in your blog surfs. Think unique. These sites have less than 5 comments/post and be posting currently. Leave me a comment with their address or email me at Carol_ffmb at yahoo.ca. I will let you know whether they have met the friendless criteria.
Get your FFMB banners here.
Hi Carol,
The link didn't work from the comment page, but it does work from the poem. Click on the link that brings you to the "Where I'm From" poem, either in today's post on my my sidebar categories "A poem: Where I'm from." The text that sets up the poem has a link to Fred's site and the template he keeps. Those links work. I tried them. Maybe links in my comments are disabled due to spam. I'll come back and read later...on my way out. Let me know if you do the Where I'm From poem.
Thanks Colleen, it worked.
Thank you for the nomination. I would love to join the band. Since I've always wanted to learn to play the flute and never did, I'll pick that. It's so much easier to march with a flute than a piano...lol.
I've posted the banner on my blog and am getting ready to check out the other band members blogs.
Thanks again!
In His Love,
Hurray, Annette! I'm adding you to the band roster.
hey carol,
thank u for nominated me. i signed up. and i put that ffmb button on my blog. i don't really play music.. but i could write songs too. thanks 4 reading my poetry..come back any time..
have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Kai,
You don't have to be able to play a real instrument in the FFMB. Let me know what instrument you would be interested in playing.
Hi Carol - I made the Blog March today. there were some beautiful sites along the way.
i wanna play the drums....
oh yes i'm marching..
Hi Carol, I made the rounds. Quite diverse group this week. Happy Easter.
hi all. excellent blogs! will have to go back again when i get the time. take care!
Glad you liked the banner, Carol. :-) Done with my rounds, as well!
hi carol, thanks 4 the comment...
Hi Barbara, Lazy Daisy, Nobody Girl, Chrixean!
Glad to see you marching!
You are welcome,Kai!
You are doing a great job at getting aquainted with everyone.
You are welcome, too, ArtPuppy94. It helps when others nominate a friendless site.
Regarding your question, I'll come to your blog.
Hey Carol,
Kathryn here from Midnight to 4am. What a great idea for a group, I was tickled to be nominated. And you came up with the idea on my birthday last year, that one made me smile.
The myspace address for the band is myspace.com/Iamnotlefthandedeither, since you asked. And don't worry about not getting the rhinosaur. We have a whole bunch of adventures planned for the little guy over the next few months. That's about as much sense as it makes though :-)
So happy marching to you. I can't promise my band won't keep me busy but put me down for playing the bells. You know the rhyme?
With bells on her fingers
and bells on her toes
and she can have music wherever she goes.
All the fondest
Well, I am tickled to have you join and I am going to keep an eye on that rhinosaur of yours.
Bells, it is...
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