Have you noticed how our band is growing? I thought it would be fun since there are so many new members, if we went visiting each other this Friday. So, everyone choose at least 3 band members, from the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band Roster to the left, that you don't know very well and visit their blog. Leave a comment and tell them that you are a member of the FFMB. If you can't leave a comment due to technical difficulties, you can leave it on my site or let me know.
If you are really in the marching mood, keep on rolling right through the band roster. It might take more than a day but if anybody completes the whole roster, let me know. There is something special at the bottom of the page for these band enthusiasts.

" NEVER KNOW WHEN WE WILL MARCH FFMB THROUGH YOUR HOOD !" She has others about the FFMB so check them out.
Remember that I will be asking different members of the FFMB to help me out on other Friendly Fridays, so be on the look out.
Did you do the whole march?

As a special surprise, I am going to link from the archives of those that complete the march, one of my favorites. Anybody have any energy to check these ones out!
1. Congratulations to Erin, the first (well, second to me) to finish the marathon march. Every Wednesday, Erin demolishes some item in her home. What a recycling program!
For those wondering how the band works:
To join the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band, leave a comment stating that you wish to join then choose any instrument you like. (ability isn't an issue for this cyber band) We have two piano players, a harpist, trombonist and french horn player plus a variety of more so you get the idea that any instrument is possible.
On Fridays, the band meets to visit the chosen friendless sites which I list. Leave friendly comments for our honored recipients. Let them know that you are from the FFMB.
Get to know other band members. There is sure to be someone you can connect with.
Nominate friendless sites. They can be bloggers you know or ones that you come across in your blog surfs. Think unique. These sites have less than 5 comments/post. Leave me a comment with their address.
Have fun.
Banners still here.
I visited 3 folks - 3 new-to-me blogs.... If I have time later, I may go visit someone else :)
Happy Friday Carol! I'm home on a day off so I'm making my visits on time for a change. Thank you for building this band of friendly people!
OK off to three new places, now let me see???
Whew, I noticed those who responded did so in the a.m.
On Friday's I work the day shift - I've just gotten in from work - it's after 7 - I'm just getting supper on the table - I have to do a blog entry yet, which I'll get to after I eat and THEN I'll visit some of the band members (any violin players? I think I need some background music).
TN Chick,
Just do what you can.
I am glad you booked off time from work for this!
Way to go, Dave!
If you hold the cursor over the blogger's name, it will show what instrument they play.
Have fun getting to know some other band members!
(Hey Dwayne,
Put me down as a member)
hi Carol, yes of course, I am always thanful for the FFMB! In fact, I visited a few in our blogroll yesterday. I will also be posting about our FFMB today so that more people will know about it :-)
Made my FFMB post! :-)
I met 3 new blogs! Thanx for the inspiration!
Hey, how are you doing?
I did it! I finished the whole roster.
Now I can make a link to myself!
I am seeing a lot of visiting going on... Congrats all the way around. Is anybody else up to making it to the finish line?
Hi Carol, read about FFMB from Chrixean. Would like to join in your band. I love to play the organ. Is this included. Since I have to choose 3, organ is 1, guitar is 2 and 3 is xylophone.
Will be visiting 3 folks after this comment.
Welcome Friday's Child, We're glad to have you!
Organ it is.
Oh, I am glad to see you, Sister Celtic!
As promised, already did visit 3 blogs... (Pearl, Mompoet and Blog Pourri). Maybe later will be visiting more.
Visited my regular FFMB bloggers and a few new ones. Will continue tonight when I get back from outings with my family.
I'm making some rounds today Carol. I don't expect to do a full March but I'll pick a few to discover. :-) Have a good weekend.
I will make some rounds! I see familiar names but I'll go visit new ones. Have a wonderful weekend!
I just finally visited some blogs. I couldn't visit everyone, but I did check out 3!
Hi Carol...just letting you know I'm still hear...I'm very sorry I haven't been commenting...I have been extremely busy...I will now try to get in step with the band...I also have a different blog called Into My Closet...I'm putting the same kind of stuff on it as the last one put I'm having to start over.
Hi it's me again. Just wanted to let you know that I have visited 7 of the FFMB lists. They are: Imran, Barbara, Dwayne, Ardist, Azure, Bad Alice and Brother Terry. Actually Barbara and Imran are already on my blogroll lists as: Barbara, Trying to Catch up and Imran as Passionate About Life.
By the way, one of your list did not accept comments. It said for team members only. It was Dwayne.
OK, being the overachiever that I am I am in the process of marching through the entire band. So far I have gone to 6 or 7, and I will complete more after the kids go to bed!!! I'm up for the challenge! :)
Hey Carol, I only made it to about 6 or 7 blogs today. Sorry for the late march. Once again, great idea!
I tried to leave a comment for Dwayne, but I couldn't and I couldn't find his email address. :(
So, here is what I wrote. Dwayne, I hope you read this!
I'm so sorry you have had issues with people posting rude comments. I guess it goes with having a public forum. But no one deserves it.
Here with FFMB. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Even though it's Saturday, I just did a 3 block march for the band!! Thanks for visiting my blog and encouraging us to visit each other. Great idea!!
I DID IT!!!!!
What fun! I am so glad I had some time this weekend to participate! I read some wonderful blogs and even picked up a few for daily reads!! :)
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
You guys are awesome!
I put you back on the roster but I forget which instrument you play. Refresh my memory, please.
Keep blogging...
Hi Carol....I play the harp...I don't know if the harp fits my personality, but I just think they look really cool and sound pretty neet.
Hi, I'm enjoying the march (yep, still going) even though I've only made it partway! What a great idea. Do you do this regularly?
I did want to nominate a site, it's my husband's, so I'm a bit partial. But he posts regularly and almost no one shows up. His site is www.stilljewish.blogspot.com.
Right, I will add your instrument to the roster.
Bad Alice,
Yes, we have "Get Aquainted" games every so often.
Thanks for the nomination. It will be included in the Friday Friday march in the next couple of weeks.
ok ok ok ... i will join... i will play the flute... tell me what where and when i need to be available for the march!
visiting you from barb's blog today...
Welcome to the band, Killired.
We meet here every Friday to go visiting the friendless.
There is more info on the bottom of this post.
Hi Carol. It was wonderful to get so many FFMB visits today. I was busy with family but will visit everyone who visited me.
Carol - I'm catching up on my blog reading and everywhere I go the FFMB is there.
thanks carol! I"m getting ready to add the FFMB button to my blog now!!!! :)
is there a list somewhere or what instrument everyone plays? just wondering who is in the flute line with me!!!!!
NEVERMIND! i see it now on the list when i hover over the names!!!
carol dear... i tried to copy/paste the FFMB banner on my website and something is wrong with the coding but i figured it out for you...
but i can't post it here.. it wont let me so email me and i will send it to you!
Well I said my dear husband gets no traffic and all of sudden he has a post with 9 comments. Unheard of.
Hey Raehan!
You're back!
Regarding Killired's problem with the banner, has anybody else experienced a problem lately with it???
Bad Alice,
Your husband better be careful or he won't qualify for a friendless site ;)
I am seeing the band everywhere!! I would love to join the band this Friday!! I play the Clarinet!!
Oops! I forgot to submit a friendless blog
Mama B,
Welcome to the band!
It might be a few weeks until your nomination appears on the Friendly Friday march but I have it. Thanks!
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