Thursday, March 03, 2005

What Moms Do

I was talking to a young mother who was fretting about her baby girl being left at her in-laws for the first time. I couldn't believe her exaggerated anxiety over such a trivial matter.I tried to console her that another child would cure her but she confided that she didn't think she could even handle another charge. Inwardly I recalled some sitcom that teased these anxious one-child Moms that they would still be checking their sleeping 10 year olds for breathing! This Mom was definately of that caliber.
Then I cringed as I remembered that I had checked my own sleeping angels even when I had three of them! Somehow it was reassuring at the end of the day. Perhaps we think that handling these trivial matters strengthens us or maybe this fear for our little ones turns us into control freaks!
After my Mother died, I was going through her scrapbook clippings and came across an advice column for mothers with wild,young daughters. It advised the Mother to let go and trust that their daughters will get through it. I can say that my Mother was an expert at letting go and she lived to see her all her daughters happily married with children of their own to worry about.
I do hope though, especially for the young mom and I, that we will learn to stop worrying and just start loving.


Carol said...

If you have answers,tell me why that comedian would not comfort his son instead of making light of the bullies?

Carol said...

So survival is the point.
This is a tough life but it is even harder for a parent to teach this to their children.
The movie,"Ray", comes to mind. His Mother knew just what her son needed.