Tuesday, March 28, 2006

-Jesus Not to be Taken Literally-

Michael Baigent's The Jesus Papers; Exposing the Greatest Cover-Up in History.


Nabeel said...

Muslims belive that Jesus was taken away while he was on the cross (towards the end) and God replaces him with someone who looked exacly like jesus and he was the one who died. Jesus never died ..

Carol said...

Is this so for real,Nabeel. (After that mascara story, I feel I ought to ask.)
Are you Muslim?

thesurealist said...

Was Julius Caesar really assasinated?!?

That's my final(ish) comment...

Jesus has changed my life forever, I'd probably be dead by now if it was not for Him. The wonderful thing about Jesus is that He is up for speculation, He does not mind, keep asking questions, and then make your own mind up...

Blessings, Su

-R- said...

My faith teaches that many of the stories in the Bible are not to be taken literally.

Carol said...

That is a good question to ask. We know of other famous men and what happened to them through the eye witness accounts of others.

What made you believe Dwayne?

What criteria does your faith use to determine what is literal and what is not?

Thanks for contributing, everyone!