Carol has asked me to put together a music lesson for the musicians who are just starting out on their instruments.
The most important step in learning music is to understand what a key is.
The key consists of selecting a group of notes(diatonic scale)which are selected from all the notes (chromatic scale) using a formula.
This formula consists of a series of whole and half steps.
chromatic scale
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C
Each step in the chromatic scale is called a half step
Two half steps equal.....you guessed it, a whole step
Notice that there are no sharps between B&C or between E&F
The formula is
1 whole step 2 whole step 3 half step 4 whole step 5 whole step 6 whole step 7 half step 8
some examples
For the flat keys remember that a sharp of a lower note is the flat of the next higher note
C# is the same note as D flat
G# is the same note as A flat
Thanks Zeb. Now, I wonder if anyone can transpose our theme song into the key of A??

Today's featured friendless site is Lu of Life as a New Dad? (The characters that show up as ?????? or are otherwise undecipherable are posts that Lu has written in Chinese. The Chinese letters don't show up on most computer settings. Scroll down and you will soon find one in English) I like his site because:
- of his musings on parenthood, work, technology and life in general.
- of his scientific approach to parenting and life in general.
- of his reviews.
- of his enthusiasm.
Visit ArtPuppy94 of Poems 2 too. She is a 14 year old girl who want to grow up to be a "poet, chidren's author, photographer, or dancer."
Then check out Alex of Life and the World. He is a new blogger who writes short observations and asks for input from others.
Have fun!
Killired's Pink Blog Party was a blast. Thank you, Killired for asking the FFMB to provide the musical entertainment. Enjoy the recap on the day after, too.
For those wondering how the band works:
To join the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band, leave a comment stating that you wish to join then choose any instrument you like. (ability isn't an issue for this cyber band) We have two piano players, a harpist, trombonist and french horn player plus a variety of more so you get the idea that any instrument is possible.
On Fridays, the band meets to visit the chosen friendless sites which I list. Leave friendly comments for our honored recipients. Let them know that you are from the FFMB.
Get to know other band members. There is sure to be someone you can connect with.
Nominate friendless sites. They can be bloggers you know or ones that you come across in your blog surfs. Think unique. These sites have less than 5 comments/post. Leave me a comment with their address.
Get your FFMB banners here.
Off to have fun and visit! have a great friday
Carol - I made the rounds today, the blogs were great. Thanks for pointing them out to us.
Just starting my visits, have a good weekend all of you.
I made my rounds....this was fun!!
Doing great everybody! Keep marching!
That is an excellent idea for your blog, Zeb.
Please do figure out the melody for Friends of the Friendless...any key will do...
Friday already, again? Yay. :)
I'm off to march....
Twirls away...
This comment is for Poems 2:
It`s great to see that someone so young is exploring their creatvity. I hope that you never lose it.
I made it on time this week too. It is really interesting to see all the new sites every week!
Yay friday! I look forward to getting in my comfy cozy PJs. and visiting other friendly friday blogs. Have a good weekend Carol.
Oh, we can visit while we're in our jammies? Okay, then - I'm off to visit! Thanks for the music lesson.
It is so nice to you Tnchick,Mango, Dwayne,-r-,Wandi! What a friendly group of people you are. I am impressed.
Since you are marching anyway, do you want to join the band?
I really think you are talented. My only criticism is that you should write more. Maybe you are writing on your own but blogging is a good way to practise the craft and get some feedback. Your Hateful Eyes myth really showcases your abilities.
Hi Carol! Phew, marching is tiring yet fun! Went my rounds already :-) Thanks for showing us these new blogs!
My dear fellow FFMB members:
I write this with hesitation, as I’ve come to learn that the FFMB members are good people and conscientious bloggers. And I thank you, Carol, for your nomination of my poetry blog http://river-tree-whispers.blogspot.com/. I probably should not have joined the band at that time, but didn’t understand the commitment it would take. I know it doesn’t seem like a lot, but life in the blogisphere is but a small part of my busy life. I do enjoy reading blogs of like-minded individuals. Then if the posts are longer than they are wide, I have a hard time getting through them. Not that some longer articles aren’t worth it but I do select carefully. Maybe I’m too much the child of today’s media sound bites. Anyway, that’s why I like haiku and other short poetry. And I do like art and photography blogs also, but I am still on dial-up, so images make it difficult (and time-consuming) for me to view.
So I must, at this time, submit my resignation and leave the FFMB. I'll let it march on by and catch as catch can. My vacant position, somewhere near the rear, needs a more consistent piccolo player. I choose to listen to the beat from the sidelines, and let its glee inspire me. I’m a better player of the divine instrument through poetry, than piccolo.
And in leaving I would like to suggest a courtesy of FFMB members. There has been some confusion caused by the band’s traffic to my site. It has been expressed by some commenters who do not know of the group. See wordsofjoi on my post of 2-23-06. I would prefer comments be limited to the qualities of my post or the ideas/images they present. I know I could delete impertinent comments, but most are not completely so. And by posts of yours I’ve read, I know your intent is good. I feel comments on a blog should reflect a true response to the post, and maybe stretch the contents over additional intellectual landscape. Most times my contemplative appreciation is not put into words. I think all opinions and beliefs are attempts at attaining truth. But truth is illusive to the human mind. Soul is higher than that. Silence is often a sweet song.
I love you all. Thank you. And may the blessings be.
Thanks for marching with us, Chrixean.
I am sad to see you leave but I truly appreciate your honesty in letting us know.
Continue to write from your soul.
Thanks, Carol. But there is nothing to be sad about. We all march to our own inner drummer, whether in a band or not.
Happy Saturday Carol, I hope you don't mind me contacting you via comments with an update about the broadcast of the Poetry Face Off. It's now schedule for 7-8amPST Sunday. The 5 poems will be interspersed with other local arts features. I hope you'll be awake to listen! I'll be making some waffles and getting ready to head out to church. Thanks for your support on this (the poem and broadcast - not the waffles I mean).
I think I've just finised going over the FFMB Roster. That was tough.
Hey Carol, just finished the march...sorry to be late again. Thanks for picking out some interesting blogs.
If I may say, when you are in a band, you have to march to the same drummer otherwise the performance doesn't work ;)
Hope you will still drop in for a visit sometime.
Art Puppy 94,
I am so happy to hear that you want to join.
Yes, band members need to play a musical instrument so pick whatever you like. Hover over the other band members' names in the blogroll and their instrument will appear. This will give you an idea of the diverse range of talent!
Thanks for the submissions. Wow, you are going to be good at this.
Thanks for telling me. Of course I don't mind you writing the info in here. I am planning on waking up early tomorrow and getting ready for church services earlier so I can listen. Yahoo!
Way to go, Friday's Child. I am so happy to have you in the band.
Lazy D,
I am just glad that you made it!
since i'm so tired tonight as i visited tomarrow is a new day and with hoped blog energy i will comment this is so cool carol.. hey all my e-mails have come back don't know why hope all is well tried to send for 5 days now returned..hope your weekend is great God bless you ..
Good morning Carol. I just found out the poetry broadcast is rescheduled to next Saturday, March 11 - between 6 and 9am PST same station/url. That's live radio for you! Happy Sunday.
Sister Celtic,
I was missing the sound of your cymbals. Glad to hear from you!
Thanks for letting me know. I will be working on Saturday and will miss part of it but will be listening to what I can!
Keep me posted...
hey carol... i do believe i am the last one marching in the FFMB parade this week! i was so busy with school work that i marched really really slow... but i did make it to the blogs listed and i really liked them!!!!
Art Puppy 94,
Yes, piano it is.
Every band member needs an instrument, silly!
I will add you to the band roster.
Fantastic effort. Sometimes slow is necessary.
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