This week, I asked Friday's Child to help to express the importance of the Friends of the Friendless
being a positive influence in the blogosphere. Bloggers like to know that someone is listening so a top priority in our fight against friendlessness is our friendly comments.
The Friends of the Friendless Marching Band is once again on the march. Friday is the day where all the members meet and share whatever news we have about those friendless sites. By friendless sites, we mean sites with less than 5 comments on their blog. W e go to CAROL, the master of the band and let her know about these sites. We the members of the Friends of the Friendless Marching Band then march into these sites and visit them. If we can relate to their article, then we leave a comment. If we can’t relate, we still leave a comment saying hi or hello, you are from the FFMB and Carol sent you.
Come and join the fun and march along with us! Just choose any instrument to play with or you can use anything as an instrument if you like.
See…that’s how easy it is to join. So what are you waiting for? Come on down and be a friend to a friendless site. Who knows our friendliness would mean something to one friendless site. Let us make a difference in this blogging world.
If you decide to join click here and leave a comment saying you would like to join the FFMB.

Thank you, Friday's Child for those encouraging words!
The featured friendless site is Rachel's Apostrophe Catostrophe. I like her blog because:
- this blog is all about the over used apostrophe.
- grammar is often overlooked in blogs.
- I need to learn about the apostrophe
- and she has convinced me to read up on it in my old English handbook.
Also visit Jeff of Still Jewish. He is a Jewish man who has come to believe in the divinity of Jesus.
Then check out Ellen at Coffee Granules. She is a woman who isn't afraid of dealing with the throbs of life.
Then head over to the banner area and see if my instructions work.
Have fun everybody.
Let's see..."The apostrophe ('), a mark of punctuation and a spelling symbol, has three uses: to indicate omission of a letter or letters from words and of a figure of figures from numerals; ;to form the possessive (genitive) case of nouns and of certain pronouns; to indicate the plural of letters, numeral, symbols, and certain abbreviations..."
Hi! This is for Ellen of Coffee Granules(love the title!). What a fun party that`s gonna be tomorrow.
Your poetry is very intriguing. I have to come back to read more.
Hey Carol, Blogger was acting up today so just finished the march. Wow, what diversity today. Good choices. Thanks!
Visited Apostrophe's and Coffee Granules'...getting paranoid about my '''''s now!!! Too tired to think about where they should be ...bleary eyes, need to go to bed... zzzzzzzzzzz :-]Su
I made the entire parade route! The selections this week are exemplary!
Hi Carol,
I had a good time marching tonight. One problem - the same one I had over at Wandi's site - I couldn't comment at Ellen's Coffee Granules. It's asking me to sign up for a Blogger account and my Mac won't let me do it (I'm guessing it's my Mac).
At any rate, I wanted to say to Ellen:
Hello Ellen,
I'm with Carol's Friends of the Friendless Marching Band. Nice to meet you.
Have you looked into Colloidal Silver? It's a natural antibiotic. After the party, and when you have time, perhaps you can look into it. Meanwhile, enjoy your busy life. 8 years olds are wonderful!
And also, while I'm here; I got a kick out of the art test.
My true self (Abstract II by Roy Lichtenstein)??? Interesting, to say the least, and probably not too far off the mark acutally because when I doodle, I draw eyes...lots of eyes.
I would have preferred Sister Celtic's, Castles in the Sky by Maxfield Parrish. ; > O
Got your banner but have not tried it yet. If you see it on my sidebar then everything went okay. If you noticed I have it on my blog this Friday, I used the photobucket to get the html
I see it, Friday's Child!
Hiya Carol, It's sleepy Saturday now and I'm just getting ready to go to work. I love Rachel's apostrophe blog! By the way, you did not miss the Poetry Face Off. It has been rescheduled yet again to March 18 or 19. I posted about it Friday. I'm sorry you missed the post - but you have not missed the poem!
I have found a friendless site.
Name of blog: Chris & Liz's
Adoption News
This site has always been generating O comments.
Oh, I am late because I was away Fri and Sat. But I'll try the banner! thanks!
I have a blog for you to consider:
I went... I was late but better late than never, right?
Of course, TN Chick! Comments are always appreciated, anytime.
Friday's Child invited me join and I would be proud to join, I can't really play and instrument but I can sing.....
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