Epilogue: August 3, 2007
I was at my 30th High School Reunion this weekend.
At the evening get together, I told my Husband that I was looking for Chevy.
I noticed this fellow (a chunky man, kind of) with graying black hair and dark eyes. I looked at him and thought I might've known him. Our eyes met but I looked away, not knowing him after all. I had been looking at people like that ever since we arrived in my my hometown, trying to find faces that I might remember.
Then this kinda chunky man got up and I followed him (with my eyes). He walked up to me. "Hi Carol," he said. I looked quickly at his name tag and replied, "Hi Chevy."
Not wanting the moment to end, I invited him to sit down with my Husband and I. He proceeded to tell us, at record speed, his life story. I interrupted him at one point to ask, "Did you always talk this much?"
I felt like I was going to cry after a while; I knew my face showed it.
It ain't ever what we expect it to be. Hope you had fun.
I had a blast!
Wow! After all those years!
You look great by the way.
Wow. So, school reunions are not really what we make them out to be in our minds. I know that I am filled with such fear about seeing freinds from the past that I avoid the reuions all together. My sister just sent me some photos of pals that I went to school with 30 years ago. They were bald and gained wieght. I hope you had a good time.
Still have 7 more years until my 30th reunion. :)
I remember you writing about him way back, right?
By the way, you look great in that picture!
Barbara and J. Andrew,
Thank you!
Wasn't that neat :)
Go Go Go
I'm glad you went, Carol. What an emotional experience meeting Chevy as adults! You do look marvelous! I bet you now have lots of happy memories and new pictures of old friends.
Yes,Mompoet. I have new pictures in my head and heart.
I'm off to read "Excerpts", but just had to tell you that you look so cute in that picture! I love your hair, and Carol, your cheekbones are to die for!
Glad you had a good time. :)
I read about him before. You finally get to talk to him after all these years. Good for you.
You look great and definitely having a lot of fun.
Great picture!
I hope you had a lot of fun! :)
Glad you went. Gives a nice sense of closure.
awwwww, you were cute in high school....
still you are cute today.
Oh my!
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