Sunday, July 09, 2006

Discussing Creationism Part XX

When Charles Darwin wrote Origin of Species, he did not want his theory to be dismissed so he did not mention that humans were included in the evolutionary process as well.

A quote from a private letter used in Cynthia L. Mill's book, The Theory of Evolution demonstrates his private beliefs at this time.
"Man in his arrogance thinks himself a great work worthy of the interposition of a deity, more humble and I think true to consider him created from animals...Let man visit Ourang-outang in domestication, hear expressive whine, see its intellgence when spoken (to), as if it understood every word said-see its affection to those it knows,-see its passion and rage, sulkiness and very extreme despair; let him look at savage (Fuegan), roasting his parent, naked, artless,l not improving, yet improvable, and then let him dare to boast his proud pre-eminence."

Darwin noted similarities between man and ape then concluded that not only is man not superior to the ape but they evolved from a common ancestor.

  • First was Darwin's observation that apes are capable of emotion similar to man.
Both animals and man were created with a soul. A soul experiences sensual sensations or feelings which are based upon the body's physical and instinctive needs. These reactions ensure survival. Man, however has a distinct difference from animals in that he also has a immortal element created in the image of God. As a result, he is capable of moral and rational reasoning not based on the physical alone. In other words, he can choose between the bestial nature or the spiritual.

  • Darwin was disgusted by the actions of the primitive Fuegan men that he met on his journeys on the Beagle. The beasts were better than these men.
Man can choose to live by the bestial nature. Abominable acts like the ones that Darwin witnessed are extreme consequences of a life without morality or God.

Previous Discussions:
Discussing Creationism: The Initial Argument
Part II: Two Questions about the Ark
Part III:The Volume of the Ark
Part IV: The Weight and Sturdiness of the Ark
Part V:What is a Myth
Part VI: Gilgamesh
Part VII: The Biblical View of Noah
Part VIII: Gathering of the Animals
Part IX Evolution
Part X The First Evolutionist
Part XI The Notebook
Part XII Erasmus Darwin
Part XIII Aristotle
Part XIV Middle Ages
Part XV Kant's Quotation
Part XVI Kant in Context
Part XVII: The Beliefs that influenced Darwin
Part XVIII: John Henslow
Part XIX: Darwin's Infallibility


Anonymous said...

These posts are my favourite part of your blog, Carol. Thank you for them.

Carol said...

Thank you for reading,Aurora.