Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stacked and then Some

I thought I could resist and stick with the idea of only buying books when I want to read them, but I fell victim to another book sale.
  1. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. I was reminded about this book when someone said she had top billing (hah,) in the play.
  2. The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton which is a popular money managing book even after 22 years. I borrowed it from the library a few months ago but someone else put it on hold so I couldn't renew it. I only read the first few chapters but it had some good ideas and presented it in a story form.
  3. Leo Tolstoy: His Life and Work by Paul Birukoff, who was a friend of Tolstoy. The sale only had Volume one. Volume two is when it gets really interesting though, as it talks about his religious views, in which I know we are at variance, because at the end of his life he did not believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
  4. Then, drum roll or tuba blast, a book that could be revolutionize my book reading experience called The Book Group: A Thoughtful Guide to Forming and Enjoying a Stimulating Book Discussion Group edited by Ellen Slezak and foreword by Margaret Atwood. Could this be done on-line ?
What were the last books you purchased??


Anonymous said...

The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. I'll be heading over to Indigo's tomorrow after an appointment, though, so I'll probably be lugging about 20 books with me. :) (It's an addiction.)

JC said...

I'm the worst. I don't really like reading books, but I love Chapters and I feel like buying most books when I look at them. I always think that I could read any new book. Truth be told, I buy a book, keep it out for awhile and stare at the cover, recommend it to a friend, give it away or put it in a box, and wonder why I have a developing library of books I haven't read.

Carol said...

I have bought more than I can possibly read in a lifetime. Jane, maybe it is the art on the cover that is drawing you.

JC said...

Carol, you bring such an uplifting thought to what I assumed was just a bad habit. Thank you for sharing that perspective.. and I think you're probably right :)