Monday, June 12, 2006

I Made Another Quiz, Finally!

Are you Right? What is Left?

It is easy to get stuck on one side of the brain but I am sure that is better to get some exercise on both sides.
Do this quiz to find out which side of the brain you like to cruise on.

  1. You discover that you probably have a computer virus. You decide to...

  2. update your viral protection.

    work with it.

  3. You invited your in-laws for a home-cooked meal. You decide to...

  4. try out the recipe that you saw once on tv a month ago.

    cook a new recipe but try it out on your own parent first.

  5. You are on a diet but would like to eat your chocolate birthday cake...

  6. Hey, it's my birthday!

    You cut back all day so that you can indulge.

  7. The fire alarm goes off at work. You decide to...

  8. make sure that all electrical equipment is turned off before leaving.

    volunteer to stay behind to man the phones, they are always false alarms.

  9. A meeting is called to discuss safety procedures at work. You decide to...

  10. attend as you did call the meeting.

    volunteer to stay behind to man the phones....

If you scored 5-7 then you are predominantly a left brainer. This means you are follow procedures well and are analytical but are not usually the life of the party.
If you scored 8-10, then you are more right brained. You are creative and a risk taker but you might be more susceptible to smoke inhalation.


won tong said...

hiya...thanks for your visits and posts.. drove 2,500 miles in 4 days so exhausted and hope to catch up with the gang soon..missed you all hugs..

-tnchick- said...

Many of those don't apply. I don't like chocolate and would neve eat chocolate cake but I pretended I could change to a different type cake LOL

If the fire alarm went off at work, I'd really do neither. I'd just walk outside - take a break LOL :)

Anyway, I'm right- brained... but I knew that so it's correct, at least :)

Pat Paulk said...

I'm right, whatever that means. Maybe I started the fire at work, can't remember.

David Edward said...

hi Carol, please add myself and my daughter to your prayers. me for wisdom and her for healing of a head injury ( saturday) that is causing her to miss some of her final weeks of school. Thanks friend

Unknown said...

8/10 - I forgot whether that is left or right already.

David Edward said...

i cant even handle simple quizzes

mompoet said...

Great quiz Carol. I am so right that I'm toast.

Jen said...

I scored a 7 :-)

Carol said...

Thanks for taking the quiz, everyone.